Many doctors fail to report cases, even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease. 很多医生没有报告病例,尽管食物中毒是应该通报的。
The Composition Change of Notifiable Infectious Disease in Changsha Railway Region during 1976~ 2000 1976~2000年长沙铁路地区传染病构成变化趋势分析
Effectiveness assessment of training on reportable knowledge for notifiable disease in rural areas of Henan 河南省农村法定传染病报告知识培训效果评价
BU not being a notifiable disease in many countries. 在许多国家布鲁里溃疡不是一种法定报告疾病。
Investigation on Report Quality of Notifiable Disease in Medical Institutions of Ankang City in 2008 某市医疗机构法定报告传染病报告质量调查分析
The Grey Relational Analysis of Incidence of Notifiable Infectious Disease in China from 2002 to 2006 2002~2006年全国法定报告传染病发病率的灰色关联分析
A1998 article in the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases stated that only seven of all African nations consider bovine TB a notifiable disease. 刊登在1998年的《新发传染病杂志》上的一篇文章说,在所有非洲国家中,只有7国认为牛结核病是一种必须报告的疾病。
Methods To analyze the data from national notifiable infectious disease reporting system in 1990-2003.Results Currently, the incidence of viral hepatitis stays at the top among all the reported infectious diseases. 方法对1990-2003年全国法定传染病报告系统资料进行分析。结果现阶段我国病毒性肝炎总发病率居于法定报告传染病首位。
Objective To investigate the management status of notifiable disease report in medical and health institutions. To provide scientific basis for prevention and control of notifiable disease. 目的及时掌握桂林市各医疗保健机构法定传染病疫情报告管理的真实状况,为疾病预防和控制提供科学依据。
Management status of notifiable disease report in Guilin City 桂林市法定传染病疫情报告管理现状调查
Conclusion Under the base of nationally notifiable disease and specific public, to carry out communicable disease surveillance combined in active way as well as passive way. 结论在国境口岸以国家法定报告、特定人群为基础的传染病监测系统为主进行主动和被动相结合的传染病监测。
[ Methods] Annual notifiable disease reports and related data were analyzed from the provincial disease surveillance points ( 1997-2002). [方法]收集1997&2002年全省的传染病疫情报表和结核病报表及有关资料进行分析。
In order to learn the epidemic feature of infectious disease and the effect of preventive measures after flood in Jianxi Province, analysis of incidence rate ( Per 100,000) of A and B notifiable infectious disease in 1999 was carried out. 为掌握江西省水灾后传染病流行特征及防病措施效果,特对1999年甲、乙类传染病疫情进行分析。
Results The results showed that measles cases reported by suspect measles surveillance were 116.09% higher than that by national notifiable disease reporting system. 结果疑似麻疹监测系统报告病例数比法定传染病报告系统多116.09%;
At present, it is listed as notifiable disease reported to the OIE and class one animal disease ruled by Chinese government. 目前,该病被OIE列为必须通报的动物疫病,被我国列为一类动物疫病。
Bluetongue is listed as a 'notifiable disease' by OIE together with avian influenza and other important animal disease, but great importance has not been attached to the research on bluetongue in our country. 虽然OIE将蓝舌病同禽流感等一些重要动物疫病共同列入法定通报性疾病,在国外也受到高度重视,但在国内受重视的程度还不够,投入的研究也较少。